Monday, January 30, 2012

His Comfort...

Have you read the Book of Ruth?  The Book of Ruth only has four chapters, but it is full of so much goodness!  When I hear people talk about “heroes of the Bible” I always think of Ruth.  She was a foreign woman living in a strange country… she was looked down on in the society, but she never let that stop her.  She had made the choice to follow the One True God, even when all sorts of obstacles tried to get in her way.  Somewhere deep down inside she new God had a bigger purpose for her then she could imagine.  I am sure just like the rest of us she had made many mistakes in her past, but when she made the choice to follow God’s leading… one step at a time… what a turn her life took! 

So many times we pray and ask God for His leading and guiding in our lives, but do we really want for Him to lead us one step at a time or do we want Him to lay the whole plan out in front of us before we are willing to make that choice to move down His path???  I don’t think Ruth knew where this would all lead, but she had enough faith to keep going one step at a time.  How brave is that? She left everything that was comfortable to her to go into unfamiliar circumstances.  It is during those times, when we are asked by God to step out of our comfort zone that we have to rely on Him all the more.  If God only calls us to do things that we can do without Him then what do we need Him for?  I am just starting to realize there is a big difference between being comforted and being comfortable.  God is the God of all comfort; He also doesn’t want us to stay where we are comfortable… He loves us too much to let us stay the same.  Face it; there are many times God asks us to do something that is not at all what we are comfortable doing! That is okay because in those moments He will give us strength… He will give us the words… He will give us comfort!

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort,  II Corinthians 1:3

I’m reminded of a conversation a lady recently shared with me… this lady had an instance come up that brought her past right back in her face.  She would be the first to tell you she did not make decisions that were for the best in her past.  Now, faced with the same circumstance but as a follower of Christ would she have the words and the strength to make the right choice?  Would she be able to stand up for what she knew was right for herself and for her family?  She was very uncomfortable and she actually prayed this circumstance would just dissolve itself, but she also knew that was not going to happen and this was the moment she needed to take care of this once and for all.  As she stepped out of her comfort zone God gave her the words to speak… she knew that what she was telling this person would probably cause him to reject her, but God gave her the boldness to speak His truth.  Of course, our humanness never wants to be rejected, but she knew the God of all comfort was there to comfort her.

Therefore, behold, I will allure her, will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her. Hosea 2:14

Just like Ruth… God will make you a hero of faith if you choose to live for Him.  And just like Ruth… every tough choice you make to obey Him will become a foundation of faith for your family and for generations to come.  Just remember, Ruth was the great-grandmother of King David, and was part of the lineage of Christ.  Every prayer you pray… every right choice you make will become a blessing passed down.

Not only will God always comfort you, but the comfort He gives you will give you courage to comfort others in their difficult times.  Choose today to live your life for an audience of One… Him!

But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands. Exodus 20:6

Oh, will you take the time to delve into the Book of Ruth… whether it’s your first time or your twenty-first time… you will not be sorry!

Rejoicing in Truth!

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