Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Here It... Do It!

“But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.” - James 1:22

Are you a doer or a hearer only?  Even though I might read God’s Word every day, many times I know I don’t do it. I was thinking how it is like sitting down at a beautifully set table to have a fabulous meal… you know, where all the forks, spoons and knives are in their proper place… shiny, polished crystal glassware… heirloom china… oh, and cloth napkins, of course. You are seated in your chair ready to take that first bite of a scrumptious meal… you place that bite in your mouth and chew it and chew it and chew it, but then instead of swallowing it you spit it out. Do you ever get the nutrition you need from that food? It might have satisfied your taste-buds, but it will never fill your belly!

Our physical bodies need food as fuel to keep us going… just like our spiritual bodies need nourishment from God’s Word to keep us on His path. We might open our Bible and read the precious words on the page… we can read it and read it and read it, but if we don’t ingest it and do it… we never will receive the “nutrition” we need from it.

I have really been challenging myself a lot for the last few months to be a doer and not just a hearer. I know I have lived so much of my life looking “good” on the outside, but my motives have not always been what they should have been… living and doing things in a prideful way. I have to daily check my motives… is it to honor and glorify God first and foremost??? Don't misunderstand... I am not saying you need to always be doing. What I am saying is we need to live out what we are gleaning from God's Word. Hear It and do It... let that be my passion! Will you join me in this challenge?

Rejoicing in Truth!

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